Leaders have a vision and a plan.

My plans and progress span across three pillars:

Making Madison the safest place to live, work, raise a family, and visit

Following a community-based investment model to elevate Madison to new heights

Revitalizing neighborhoods and prioritizing our community’s health and wellness

  • Created a Crime Suppression Task Force to address crimes against children and drug-related offenses, Predator Net arresting over 2 dozen child sex offenders and the Drug Interdiction Task Force reducing drug-related crimes by 21%

    Accumulated over 2000 annual training hours within the volunteer fire department

    Implemented overt efforts such as foot patrols and increased uniform and investigative presence

    Established a competitive pay structure to recruit and retain talented officers, increasing number of officer by 26%

  • Constructing a 3-million-gallon detention basin to significantly abate stormwater

    Initiated a watershed study with the Army Corps of Engineers

Your Community Safety


  • Created a comprehensive Sidewalk Asset Management plan and survey to target investments

    Built new sidewalks along 8th Street for kids to safely walk to school

    Invested over $1.7 million in critical infrastructure, roads, and sidewalks in 2022

    Began Main Street Revisioning and traffic calming plan to improve safety for drivers and pedestrians

  • Constructing a 3-million-gallon detention basin to significantly abate stormwater

    Initiated a watershed study with the Army Corps of Engineers

  • Addressed 425 nuisance cases in 2022 alone

    Removed dozens of abandoned vehicles

    Established property maintenance standards

  • Creating a temporary Jobs program for those laid-off to continue supporting themselves and their families

    Opening a free covid testing site for all of Jefferson County

    Developing the Madison Small Business Rescue Plan, a working capital grant program for businesses to utilize in staying open

    Developing safe event guidelines to sustain Madison’s tourism economy


Your Economic Opportunity

  • In 2022 alone, approving 55 owner grant applications to aid in enhancements and rehabilitation efforts of their homes or businesses, resulting in over $8 million of preservation investments

    Overhauling historic district ordinance and board of review mission (HDBR)

  • Increased visitors to Madison by 21% to excess of 350,000 visitors each year

    Increased Innkeeper tax collections by 19%

    Partnered with the American Queen Voyages for exclusive docking privileges bringing their tourists to Madison and over $250,000 of positive economic impact annually

    Gathered data to precisely measure attendance, trends, and financial impact of festivals and tourism to best manage the public safety aspects of having 40,000 people in our community on a weekend

  • Facilitated the expansion of Super ATV in an Economic Development Agreement to bring more jobs to Madison

    Created 500 new jobs across industries including education, small business, retail, hospitality, and healthcare

  • Spent $14 million in 2022 on local goods and services

  • Partnered with Madison Municipal Airport (MMA) to expand the new RNAV GPS Runway 21 Approach by utilizing land from the Jefferson Proving Ground, an area that was previously restricted airspace from the Department of Defense. By working with Congressman Pence across several government agencies and the MMA team, we were successful in bringing a long-delayed initiative to one that allows multi-directional landings regardless of weather patterns.

  • Acquired the forcer Ruler Grocery Store site and parking lot on E. 2nd Street

    Pursuing development agreement with a national operator, information to be released soon

Your Quality
of Life


  • Attracting retailers such as Hobby Lobby, Kohls, TJ Maxx, and Five Below and restaurants such as Culver’s and Scooter’s

    Creating 500 new jobs for residents

    Building a boulevard of decorative lighting, bike paths, public art, and a playground

  • Partnered with Bethany Legacy Foundation for a $2 million donation to ensure the facility remains affordable for all of Jefferson County residents

  • Redoing the existing basketball courts, upgrading fencing and signage, modernizing the playground equipment, and opening a dog park to allow for a gathering space for neighbors and their 4-legged family members

  • Formed the Public Arts Commission to develop a public arts master plan

    Drafted guidelines for public improvements such as the mural plaza, the Mulberry Street Corridor, and art at our bridge gateway

    Building a new Super Overlook on Madison’s Riverfront by partnering with the Riverfront Development Committee

    Restoring the facade and marque of the Ohio Theatre, an important Main Street icon, by matching raised funds from the Friends of the Ohio Theatre

  • Revamping Sunrise Golf Course, reducing operating deficits by 60%

    Completing a Parks Web Redesign, transitioning to a more user-friendly platform to grow attendance, online enrollment, and payment system

    Modernized the Riverview Campground on the city’s riverfront and improved the reservation system to attract campers nationally

  • Bringing new gathering spaces with an expanded shelter house, a performance space, new basketball courts and playground equipment

  • Incorporating a substance use treatment program at the new Jefferson County Justice Center to help those in recovery and reduce recidivism